Truths about speech therapy through the CoVid-19 Pandemic and what can do about it.

Just like we are all so happy when our next door neighbor is a doctor, I love it when I can just run over or text a medical question without having to book an appointment or deal with insurance to figure out why they haven’t paid the bill in its entirety or at all! Now that we are over two years past the CoVid-19 shut down, here are some truths that I’ve learned as a pediatric speech-language pathologist in private practice:

  1. Significantly increased demand for speech and language services leading to longer and longer wait lists.

  2. Decreased availability of speech therapists to provide services to waiting families.

  3. Significant hurdles and delays with insurance reimbursements.

So, how does a concerned parent find out whether or not their child's communication is typical when they have to wait and wait for weeks and months to schedule an evaluation that may or may not be reimbursed by insurance? I strive to provide personalized care to my clients. I am that person that you can just call up, and ask, “So, my child is/isn’t doing (fill in the blank). Is that normal?”

Smiling Star Speech & Language is the solution. We are offering online screenings and consultations to answer  questions and concerns that parents have about their child's development. We will determine if your child's communication skills are at-risk, and provide you with an immediate response to your concerns. By the end of the 20-30 minute consultation, parents will be able to breathe a sigh of relief and know whether or not their child needs further evaluation. 

“Is my child at-risk? Does he/she need an evaluation? Will my insurance cover speech therapy? Do I need to meet with any other specialists?” All these questions can be answered and/or we can directly observe you interact with your child with his/her favorite toy, favorite foods, interactive tv show or iPad app and get an informal screening done of his/her speech and language skills.


We’d all love our kids to be able to talk like this…


Paying more out-of-pocket for speech therapy?