
Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening is a home-based program designed to help individuals improve their ability to participate and learn in their everyday environments. Active listening is a dynamic and continually adapting process by, not only the auditory system, but the whole body. So, how a child listens impacts his/her overall physiology as well as behavior.

Therapeutic Listening helps those who have difficulty with processing sensory information, listening, attention and communication by giving the listener unique and precisely controlled sensory information to highlight the sounds that naturally capture attention and activate body movement. It is a highly individualized music-based tool that activates listening to help people tune-in to and respond to their world.

Individuals experiencing difficulty with (but not limited to) any of the following may benefit from Therapeutic Listening:

  • Struggling social skills

  • Difficulty with transitions or changes in routine

  • Verbal and non-verbal communication deficits

  • Following directions

  • Regulating energy level

  • Hyper- Hypo-responsive to sensory stimuli

  • Motor planning

  • Following directions